As an organization, Boys Explorers Club has an impact on the land. We spend a lot of time off trail, building shelters, harvesting carving wood, and generally just spending time in the forest. We try to tread lightly, using game trails when possible, picking up trash as we go, harvesting plants only when they are abundant enough to support it, and taking care of places we visit. In the end, though, there is no way to explore a place without leaving some trace and having at the very least a small impact. Our outings at the Connelly Creek service site are our opportunity to leave a positive impact on the land and really dedicate a day to leaving a place much better then we found it.

The Gray Wolf Pups and Red-Tailed Eyas had the perfect day to be out at the service site, warm weather and sunshine. We started our day with a big opening circle focused on getting to know the other group a little bit and talking for a few minutes about tool safety and usage. Since both the Gray Wolf Pups and Red-Tailed Eyas are seasoned Explorers group the opening circle went quickly and smoothly. Soon we joined the third group, The Alevin, at the service site to get to work. The Gray Wolf Pups and Red-Tailed Eyas got to work quickly on chopping blackberries and removing their roots.

All the boys worked in a focused and efficient manner for a couple of hours before they even started to talk about taking a break. Soon the boys started to trickle off for a well deserved lunch break in the sunny field. The boys were all tired, but proud of their work as they are lunch and surveyed what they had accomplished that morning. After lunch We called them back over to put in a solid effort before it was time to pack up and leave.

We spent the last hour cleaning up all the trimmings of blackberries so they would not reroute themselves and then stomping down and spreading mulch over the reid canary grass. The work of spreading mulch was gratifying and was a nice reward after the hard work of clearing blackberries. As we spread the mulch the site was looking better and better and less like an overgrown jungle. Soon it was time to put in our last few minutes of effort and then end the day.

We had a really nice closing circle in the sunny field and admired all the work that we had done. All the boys had really positive and sincere things to share in closing circle and all expressed their enthusiasm for service outings. It was a really powerful day with a lot of great work being done by all of us.Thank you Red Tailed Eyas and Grey Wolf Pups for all your hard work and enthusiasm. Parents next time you are close by have your explorer show you they service site so you can see how much they have put into this spot and don’t let them tell you they can’t do yard work. Be sure to check out the Grey Wolf Pup
Photo Gallery and the Red Tailed Eyas
Photo Gallery for more outing photos!
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